

A szakmacsoport: Ágazat-Gépészet

13 tartalmi kapcsolattal rendelkezik.

Industrial robots and manufacturing machines

Industrial robots and production equipment In the center of the micro-content, you can see an abstract detail of a production cell extracted from a 3D environment with an industrial robot and some production equipment. These two central elements are encircled by two circles and from these circles several arrows point outward in the direction of different text boxes and images.


Reference points for CNC machines

The topic of the micro-teaching is the reference points of CNC machines

Presentation and brief description of the reference points on CNC machines, their designations and signs.


Mikrotanítás témája a CNC gépek referencia pontjai

A CNC gépeken található referenciapontok bemutatása, rövid leírása, jelölésük és jeleik.
