Environmental factors of industrial composting

Csatolmány Méret
Environmental factors of composting 262.42 KB
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Rapi-Barna Lilla
Szaktanár: Rapi-Barna Lilla
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Oktatási intézmény:
Műszaki Pedagógia Tanszék

Üzenet írásához be kell jelentkezni.

The efficiency of composting is greatly influenced by the air supply, the carbon/nitrogen ratio, the quality of additives, the pH range of the material to be composted and the internal temperature.

•Oxygen in the air is necessary for the functioning of aerobic microorganisms. An even supply is ensured by rotation.

•The carbon/nitrogen ratio can be quantified optimally at 1:30 at the start and determines the heat development related to the speed of the reaction. Nitrogen-rich raw material favors an intense reaction. A mixture rich in carbon requires a longer composting time.

• Additives help restore ideal conditions as needed. For example, we increase the pH value with lime

•pH range is important from the point of view of microorganisms, the reproduction of fungi can cause problems in excessively alkaline media.

•The temperature of the prism depends on the external temperature as well as the internal temperature. The latter is heat released exothermically during aerobic decomposition processes.

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