BMEGT51M553 Digitális Pedagógia


Real estate valuation in the practises of Hungarian banks

The steps of real estate valuation in the practises of Hungarian commercial banks

For providing housing loans to the customers, the banks put mortgage right on the real estate of the client. But before that, they need to know its value provided by a certified real estate valuator.


Procurement Managment Process

A procurement management system oversees the assessment, choice, and establishment of official contracts with suppliers. It additionally oversees continuous supplier connections and the transactional acquisition of goods and services. It collaborates with accounts payable to finalize the source-to-settle cycle by handling supplier invoices for payment.


A digitális oktatás országos problémáiról

A koronavírus járvány terjedése az oktatási rendszert is érintette, több szakaszban hosszabb-rövidebb ideig a kormány „tantermen kívüli digitális munkarend” bevezetéséről döntött, melynek elsődleges célja a járvány hatásainak enyhítése volt.
